Diagnostic Radiology Department

The radiology department is one of the main departments necessary to complete the work of any hospital or medical complex, as it serves all clinics.

The radiology department in the complex contains one of the latest diagnostic radiology devices in the region, a full-featured digital device with acidification and electronic display of x-rays that gives a quick display within 3 seconds of the completion of the imaging.

A device for making a panorama on the teeth to follow up on orthodontic cases and diagnose the remaining roots. It is one of the latest German radiological devices. It performs all panorama rays with different programs. It also performs cephalometric imaging for surgery and orthodontic cases.

Ultrasound device

الالتراساوند: وهو من اهم واحدث الاجهزة التشخيصية في العالم ومن افضل الشركات المنتجة لهذا النوع سامسونج.

يتمتع الجهاز بمواصفات رائدة فهو يعمل على نظام الابعادالرباعي ويتوفر امكانية الدراسة لكل الانسجة العميقة والسطحية والوعائية لتوفر عدد اربعة بروبات مختلفة.

One of the most important studies on ultrasound is the study of pregnancy, the fetus, and follow-up of pregnancy and ovulation

Study of diseases of the abdomen, liver and kidneys

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